Sunday, 18 September 2016


Considering that my A2 Media Studies exam will include questions about both the first and second year of coursework, I think that the best way for me to start my new blog would be to reflect on last year's project. Much like a new season of a television show would begin with the infamous line of 'previously on...(insert show here)' this is an important way to recap what I achieved or didn't achieve so that I have a clear approach as I begin the next stage.

Our coursework study area last year was 'print', an area in which I was neither familiar nor experienced. The task to produce the cover, contents and double page spread of  a music magazine forced me out of my comfort zone and pushed me to explore a media industry that had never really interested me before. This helped me to improve my research skills since I needed a broad understanding of how magazines functioned as a product and as a text in order to successfully construct something of similar quality. The actual construction of my magazine allowed me to experiment with photography which involved learning about lighting, angle, mise en scene etc. Not only this but I also improved my ability to use digital software like Photoshop and all the tools it offers. I believe that this has helped me to develop an awareness of different media technologies and their uses when applied as an example of cross media convergence.
However one thing I felt like I failed to accomplish was my confidence on Photoshop. Although my knowledge of the tools is now significantly more concrete, I still believe that since I was only a beginner it restricted some of my ambitions and this resulted in not exploiting the software to its full potential. Despite this I substantially improved over the course of the year (all you have to do is compare my preliminary product and my main product to see that there is a notable difference in the quality and level of experience shown). 
In terms of the coursework as a whole, I was very happy with my marks and it was reassuring to know that the way I approached the tasks and the blog were informative and engaging. With that in mind, I feel as though I should aim to adopt a similar outlook as I did last year. Using the blog enabled me to organise my work in a consistent and progressive way, and this structure established a clear sense of direction for the reader. Additionally it helped to maintain a balance between what I had learnt in the research and planning section and then how I applied it in the construction of my product. Upon reflection this format played to my strengths. I think that the detail and chronology of my plan will be something I try to replicate going into the A2 work.

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