Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Changing My Narrative

After doing my first day's filming last weekend and editing the footage, I came to the sudden realisation that I had underestimated the running time of my short film. Narratively it was going to be much longer than I had anticipated, and so I concluded that I need to plan ahead before going out to do a second day's shooting. 

I recognised that I could either condense each scene in my narrative and shorten all of the shots to cram it into the five minutes, or I could do what professional filmmakers do and cut out some of the scenes. Unfortunately I thought that narratively each scene was very important and contributed to the overall arc of the characters. However the change that I thought I could make was to completely cut out the flashback to Dylan at the roadside, and convert his monologue into a voiceover to play over the scenes in the car park. This way the same message and explanation of the backstory was conveyed, except in the form of an internal voice rather than just a vocal outburst. 

Even though it felt like I was having to sacrifice quite an emotionally engaging sequence, this was my first taste of adapting to the circumstances and obstacles of professional shooting. It may also allow the pace to develop at a much quicker intensity in the build up to the confrontation, so I'm hoping this compromise will be an advantage rather than a disadvantage. 

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